Shipping to Europe and International

Hi stranger!

Do you want to buy our wines, but you live abroad? Let's do it! Under the shipping price list, you will find a short guide how to shop in our e-shop. It is easy! 

We cooperate with the courier company UPS. The package will be delivered to your home / work or you can redirect it to a pick up point.

Your country is not in the list? Write us an email. Let's figure it out together.





How to shopping


How to do it: (we recommend turn on the translator in Google Chrome or use Google Translate)

translate hokuspokus

-add wines to cart ("Do košíku")

  1. "Shopping Cart"  (Nákupní košík)
  • in the main selection in the shopping cart with order control
  • click on "continue" (pokračovat)
  1. "Transport and payment"  (Doprava a platba)
  • in the second place of the shopping cart, enter your country in the shopping cart in the "Country of origin" (Země doručení)
  • click on "continue" (pokračovat)
  1. "Information about you" (Informace o vás)
  • in the third place of the shopping cart fills in your personal data for the purposes
  • click on "Send order" (odeslat objednávku)
  • you will be redirected to an online secure payment gateway
  • pay through online payment gateways
  1. "Order confirmation" (Informace o objednávce)
  • the fourth step of the shopping cart as confirm booking orders and payments
  • the next day after crediting the payments, we send the order 


























DPD Wine Delivery

Zone A

Germany (Německo)
Poland (Polsko)
Slovakia (Slovensko)

-10% OFF -10% OFF -10% OFF
1 – 12 bottles 13 – 24 bottles 25 – 36 bottles 36+ bottles
11.49 € 21.49 € 30.99 € 42,49 €

*delivery time 1 - 2 days


Zone B

Austria (Rakousko)
Hungary (Maďarsko)
-10% OFF -10% OFF -10% OFF
1 – 12 bottles 13 – 24 bottles 25 – 36 bottles 36+ bottles
17.99 € 34.49 € 49.99 € 64.99€

*delivery time 2 - 3 days 


Zone C

Belgium (Belgie)
Bulgaria (Bulharsko)
Croatia (Chorvatsko)
Denmark (Dánsko)
Estonia (Estonsko)
Finland (Finsko)
France (Francie)
Greece (Řecko)
Italia (Itálie)
Ireland (Irsko)
Latvia (Lotyšsko)
Lithuania (Litva)
Luxembourg (Lucembursko)
Netherlands (Nizozemí)
Portugal (Portugalsko)
Romania (Rumunsko)
Slovenia (Slovinsko)
Spain (Španělsko)
Sweden (Švédsko)
-10% OFF -10% OFF -10% OFF
1 – 12 bottles 13 – 24 bottles 25 – 36 bottles 36+ bottles
24.49 € 44.99 € 66.49 € 88.99 €

*delivery time 2 - 4 days 


back to: Shipping 

Is not your country on the list? Do not worry! Write to us at and we will come up with some idea!

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